Scripting documentation for ViRC 2.0 and later ---------------------------------------------- This file describes changes to the Versus language as documented in versus.txt and ovs.txt. The Versus language is based on ViRCScript, which was created by Adrian Cable for Visual IRC '96. Among the differences are enhanced support for objects, toolbars, lists and arrays. Also, instead of all scripts running in the same environment, a separate interpreter is created for each server, which affects object event handlers. Last updated 13 Apr 2001 for 2.0pre6 - see changes.txt for later additions. Variables ========= $scripthost Contains "ViRC". $ver Contains a description of the current version of the client, such as "ViRC 2.0". $build Contains an integer describing the current version of the client, such as 200. $prebuild Contains the current prerelease number, or 0 if this is a release version. $N Contains the nick of the current server or DCC chat window. Undefined when the script is running on the global interpreter. $server Describes the current server: either "global", "unconnected", or the server's name for itself. Commands ======== Exit: Quits the client. NewServerWindow: Creates a new server connection window. ShowClientSetup: Displays the client configuration window. ShowDCCList: Toggles display of the DCC list window. ShowNotifySetup: Displays the notify list configuration window. ShowServerList: Displays the server list window. ShowScriptLog: Brings the script log window to the front, if ViRC was started with the -scriptlog parameter. Connect: Causes the current server window to connect. Disconnect: Causes the current server window to disconnect. Server : Connects the current server window to another IRC server. may take the form of either '', '', or ''. If a port is not given, the default is 6667. This command will attempt to match a server list entry by looking for an entry with the supplied server name, then the supplied host and port, and finally the supplied host and any port. For example, a server entry named "prison" with the hostname and port 6670 can be matched by '/server prison', '/server', or just '/server'. '/server prison:6667' will override the entry's port and connect to on port 6667, but it will use all the other settings from the entry. If is prefixed by an asterisk, ViRC will not change the supplied hostname or port, and it will not match a server list entry by the server name. For example, '/server *prison' will connect to a host named "prison" on port 6667, even though the server entry named "prison" specifies a different host and port. Quote : Raw : Sends the text directly to the server. Quote and Raw are equivalent. Msg : Sends the text to as a private message. may be an IRC nickname or channel name, or the name or number of a DCC chat preceded by an equal sign (e.g., '=myfriend'). If you want to send text to a channel, you should use Say instead. If you override Msg, your alias will be called for text entered in query and DCC chat windows. Say [channel] : Sends the text to . If is omitted, the text is sent to the currently active channel. Notice : Sends the text to as a private or channel notice. may be an IRC nickname or channel name. Quit [message]: Disconnects the current server window with a quit message. If is omitted, a default message will be supplied. TextOut [-nohilite] [> window] : Displays text in a window, using a specific color. If a right angle bracket follows the command name, the next word specifies the window (a channel name, query name, DCC chat name preceded by an equal sign, or '.' for the server window). If the bracket and window name are omitted, the text is displayed to the currently active window, or if the active window belongs to a different server, the text is displayed in the server notices window of the current server. If the -nohilite option is given and the target window is not active, the corresponding window tab will not be highlighted. Use this for messages that do not demand the user's attention. If is specified but does not refer to an existing window, the text will not be displayed unless is an appropriate name for a query window, in which case a query window will automatically be created. If is a comma-separated list of window names, each one will be tried in order: query1,query2,#channel will first try query1, then query2, then #channel, and display in the first window that exists. If none of them exist, the text will not be shown unless the last name refers to a query window, in which case it will be created automatically. can also be an object handle prefixed by a percent sign to display the text in a TRichEdit or TMonkeySex control that has been created with OVS. If the handle is invalid or does not refer to a control of the correct type, no text is displayed. If the text contains any \L characters (ASCII 10), the enclosed text will be displayed in ecHyperlink and underlined, and will act as a hyperlink when double-clicked: \\L. ViRC will add these automatically, so a script should only add \L when it knows that the client won't recognize the enclosed text as a link (but the client must be able to handle it as a link once it's clicked!). Double-clicking the link runs 'WebHyperlink '; if WebHyperlink is an alias, it can use the $C variable to determine which channel the link was in. Any other attribute codes inside \L will terminate the link. If the text contains any \S characters (ASCII 13), the enclosed text will be displayed in ecScriptLink and will run a command when clicked or double- clicked: \Schannel:#ViRC\S. Note that the text must contain a colon, and that the text before the colon determines which command will be run; the example will run a command called click_channel (the "channel:" will not be visible to the user). The command will receive the word 'single' or 'double' as its first parameter (depending on whether it was clicked once or twice), and the text after the colon as its remaining parameters. You can pass additional parameters at the beginning by putting spaces in the text: '\Schannel #ViRC:Click here to join #ViRC.\S' will run this when clicked: click_channel #ViRC single Click here to join #ViRC. This command can use $C to determine which channel the link was in. Any other attribute codes inside \S will terminate the link. TextOutBitmap [-nohilite] [> window] : Displays text in a window, prefixed by a bitmap. can either be a filename (which must be all one word) or an integer returned by the $bitmap() function. FlushBitmapCache: Empties the internal bitmap cache. Use this if a bitmap is changed after first being loaded and you want to display the new one. FlushBitmapCache : Removes only the specified file from the bitmap cache. CTCP : Sends the text to as a CTCP (Client-To-Client Protocol) request. RCTCP : Sends the text to as a CTCP reply. Ver : Sends a CTCP version request to . This is exactly equivalent to 'CTCP VERSION'. Ping : Sends a CTCP ping request to . This is equivalent to 'CTCP PING $*mtime()'. Mode : Attempts to change the channel mode. Umode : Attempts to change your user mode. This is equivalent to 'Mode $N '. Names : Retrieves a list of names of users on the channel. Who : Retrieves a detailed list of users on the channel. OnServer : Executes a command on another server. is the index of the server's entry in $ServerList(), which is also the number that appears in the server window's title bar. If is 0, the command will be executed on the global interpreter. Load [parameters]: Loads a text file and executes it as script code. If the filename contains spaces, surround it with double quotes. The file will be passed Topic [channel] [new topic]: Attempts to change the topic on a channel. If is omitted, the current channel will be used. If is omitted, the current topic will be retrieved. Kick [channel] [reason]: Attempts to kick someone from a channel. If is omitted, the current channel will be used. If is omitted, a default reason will be provided by the IRC server. KB [channel] [reason]: Attempts to ban and kick someone from a channel. If is omitted, the current channel will be used. If is omitted, a default reason will be provided by the IRC server. Ban [channel] : Attempts to ban someone from a channel. If is omitted, the current channel will be used. Part [channel]: Leaves the channel. If is omitted, leaves the current channel. Query [message]: Creates a new query window for . If is specified, it will be sent (via 'Msg ') as soon as the window is created. AddToIAL
: Adds the given nick and address to ViRC's IAL (Internal Address List), for use with $getaddress(). RemoveFromIAL : Removes the given nick from the IAL. Me [channel] : Sends the text to the channel as a CTCP ACTION. If is omitted, the action is sent to the currently active channel. Desc : Sends the text to (a channel, nickname, or DCC chat name preceded by an equal sign) as a CTCP ACTION. If you want to send an action to a channel, you should use Me instead. If you override Desc, your alias will be called when /me is used in a query or DCC chat window. MenuHint on = : Sets a hint for a menu item. The hint will be displayed in the status bar of the main ViRC window while the menu item is highlighted. DCC Send [filename]: Sends the file to using the DCC protocol. If is omitted, a standard file dialog box will appear and allow the user to choose a file. If the other person is using a client that supports it, you should use TDCC instead. DCC TSend [filename]: TDCC Send [filename]: Sends the file to using the Turbo DCC protocol. If is omitted, a standard file dialog box will appear and allow the user to choose a file. DCC TSend and TDCC Send are equivalent. Turbo DCC is not supported by all clients. However, it is supported by BIRC, PIRCH, XiRCON, and BitchX. DCC Accept [filename]: When used in an event, automatically accepts the request. If the request is a file transfer and is specified, the file will be saved with that name. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten. DCC Reject: When used in an event, automatically cancels the request. DCC Resume [filename]: When used in an event, automatically accepts the request. If the request is a file transfer and is specified, the file will be saved with that name. If the file already exists, the transfer will be resumed from the specified offset. DCC Request : Adds a DCC request to the DCC list window and runs the event for it. can be either CHAT, SEND, or TSEND. If is CHAT, is two words: the IP address and the port. If is SEND or TSEND, is four words: the filename, IP address, port, and file size. If the filename contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double quotes. If is SEND (but not TSEND), the file size is optional. Min : Max : Restore : Close : Show : Hide : Minimizes, maximizes, restores, closes, shows, or hides the window. can also be !Main to operate on the main ViRC window, except for Show and Hide. Note that when you click the window's minimize button, the window is actually hidden, not minimized. SetInputLine : Sets the contents of 's input line. Clear [window]: Clears the output display of the given window. If is omitted, the current window's output will be cleared. WebHyperlink : Opens the URL using your default web browser. Notify [nicks]: Modifies the notify list. is a space-separated list of nicks. Each nick is added to the list, or removed if it is prefixed with a minus sign. For example, 'Notify foo -bar -baz' would add foo, remove bar, and remove baz. If is omitted, the current notify list is shown. FireEvent [-one] [args]: Runs the event with the given name, using as parameters. Only events whose masks match will run. The first word of will be passed in as $0, and so on. may contain wildcards, in which case all the events with matching names and masks will be fired. If the -one option is given, only the most specific matching event will be fired. FireMenuItem [> channel] on [= parameters]: Runs the specified menu item handler. If the angle bracket and are specified, $C will be set to ; otherwise, it will be set to the active window's name. If the equal sign and are specified, the menu item will receive as $1-. $0 will be set to the item's name prefixed with a '!'. SetUserField : Associates the string with the given user mask and field. can be any word, but you should limit the number of different fields to save space. DelUserField : Deletes the user list entry for the given user mask and field. Only the specific entry for this mask will be removed; using DelUserField with the mask '*!*@*' will not remove an entry for '*!user@ppp*'. Log Open : Begins logging in the named window. Log Close : Ends logging in the named window. DNS : Consults your nameserver to translate a hostname to an IP address or vice versa, then displays the results. This will block script execution while waiting for the DNS reply, but won't freeze the client. If the parameter contains no dots and doesn't start with a number, it will be treated as a nickname, and looked up with $getaddress(). To prevent this, prefix the hostname with a *: /dns *localhost Cycle : Leaves and rejoins a channel without closing its window. Asay : Says the text to every channel on the current server. Ame : Sends the text as an action to every channel on the current server. SimulateServerData : Fires internal and user-defined events as if had just arrived from the server. The events are fired immediately, even if there is unprocessed text in the actual server socket buffer. Kill : Boots off the IRC network if you are an IRC operator. Away [reason]: Marks you as away for the given reason; this text will appear in your /whois listing and when someone sends you a private message. If is omitted, you will no longer be marked as away. UnEvent : Deletes the event with the given name, if one exists. SetServData : Sets the 'scriptdata' field of a server entry. SetNetData : Sets the 'scriptdata' field of a network entry. must be quoted as a list entry, since it can contain spaces or be an empty string (for the 'no network' entry). AddScriptControl [options]: Creates a new control in either the client setup window or the server list for scripts to easily maintain their settings. The value of the control can be changed by the user and the changes will automatically be saved. determines where the control appears and how the values are stored. It can be either "config" (to appear in client setup), "network" (to appear on the network page of the server list), or "server" (to appear on the server page of the server list). "config" controls are saved as a client-wide setting and can be manipulated with SetSetting and $getsetting(); "network" and "server" controls are saved with each network or server and can be manipulated with SetNetSetting/$getnetsetting() and SetServSetting/ $getservsetting(). determines what kind of control appears. Possible values are "edit", "check", "radio", and "button". Note that "button" controls simply run a command; there is no data in the control for the user to edit. A button could be used to bring up an OVS dialog box with more settings, for example. is the string that will be displayed on the control (for a check box or button) or as a label next to the control (for an edit box or radio buttons). It should be quoted as a list item. is the name of the field used to manipulate the control's value in $getsetting() and so on, unless the control is a button, in which case it is the name of the command used to implement the button. The command will be called with $1 as "click" when the button is clicked. The client will also call it as a function with $1 as "display" when it wishes to retrieve a string that will appear to the right of the button (when the form containing the button is shown, and after the button is clicked); return a string in $fresult, or return an empty string if none is appropriate. The interpretation of depends on the control type. For radio buttons, should be a list of strings (each quoted as list items) that will be used as captions of the radio buttons. One button will be created for each string in this list, and the value of the control will be a number from 0 to one less than the number of buttons. For edit boxes, can be "password" if the characters typed in the box should appear onscreen as asterisks. For check boxes, can be "transparent" if the user should be allowed to set it to greyed, rather than all the way checked or unchecked (in which case the value will be 2). has no meaning for buttons. DLL [data]: Loads the DLL specified by , and calls with the parameter . If is omitted, an empty string is passed. The calling conventions are described in vircdll.txt. Exec [parameters]: Executes the file, optionally passing a parameter string. This is just like typing the filename and parameters into the Run dialog box - it will open a program, document, or URL. Timer [name] : Creates a new timer called , waiting seconds, repeating times, and running . If is omitted, a unique name will be generated. If is 0, the timer repeats forever. will not be evaluated before it is run; if it should be, prefix it with Eval. Timer names are shared across all servers, and must not start with a digit. If a timer called already exists, it will be deleted first. MTimer [name] : Same as Timer, but the delay is given in milliseconds (1/1000 second) instead of seconds. Timers: Timers all: Displays a list of all timers running on the current server, or on all servers if 'timers all' is used. UnTimer : Deletes the timer called . Functions ========= $NewServerWindow(): Creates a new server window and returns its ID for use with OnServer. $StrTrim(): Returns after removing a leading colon (if present), then removing any leading or trailing control-A characters. $NickTrim(): Returns after removing any leading nickname flags (@, %, or +). $IsChannel(): Returns 1 if could be the name of a channel, or 0 if not. ViRC considers any string beginning with a # or & to be a legal channel name. $NickList(): Returns a list of all the nicknames on , or the null string if you aren't on that channel. $OpList(): The same as $NickList(), but only returns the names of channel operators (which are flagged with an @ in the channel window's nick list). $VoiceList(): The same as $NickList(), but only returns the names of channel voices (which are flagged with a + in the channel window's nick list). $HalfOpList(): The same as $NickList(), but only returns the names of channel half-ops (which are flagged with a % in the channel window's nick list). $PeonList(): The same as $NickList(), but only returns the names of peons (users who are not ops, voices, or half-ops). $IsOn( ): Returns 1 if appears in $NickList(), or 0 if not. $IsOp( ): Returns 1 if appears in $OpList(), or 0 if not. $IsVoice( ): Returns 1 if appears in $VoiceList(), or 0 if not. $IsHalfOp( ): Returns 1 if appears in $HalfOpList(), or 0 if not. $GetMode(): Returns the mode string for , or an empty string if the channel is not open. This string includes parameters, such as "+stl 15". $GetTopic(): Returns the topic string for , or an empty string if the channel is not open. $GetKey(): Returns the key for , or an empty string if the channel is not open or does not have mode +k set. $GetLimit(): Returns the user limit for , or 0 if the channel is not open or does not have mode +l set. $GetWindowId(): Returns a number that uniquely identifies the specified window. These numbers are unique among all server windows for the client, all DCC chat windows for the client, and all channels and query windows for the current server window. For server windows and DCC chats, this number appears in the title bar. For other window types, this number is not visible to the user. $ChannelList(): Returns a list of all the channel windows for the current server. $ServerList(): Returns a list of all the server windows. The index of each item in this list is the number that appears in the server window's title bar and is returned by $GetWindowId(). The first element is "global", and any spaces between server windows are "destroyed". For example: Suppose you create a server window and do not connect it. Then you create another and connect it to $ServerList() will return "global unconnected". Now suppose you close the first server window, leaving the second one connected. $ServerList() will return "global destroyed". $CurrentServer(): Returns the index of the current server in the list returned by $ServerList(), or 0 if the function is called from the global interpreter. $IsQuerying(): Returns 1 if there is a query window open for on the current server, or 0 if not. $QueryList(): Returns a list of all the query windows for the current server. $IsDCCChatting(): Returns 1 if there is a DCC chat window open for , or 0 if not. $DCCChatList(): Returns a list of all the DCC chat windows open on all server windows (since DCC chat works independently of the server). $DCCChatNick(): Returns the nick on the other end of the specified DCC chat, or the empty string if there is no such DCC chat. can be a number, a nick, or a window name. $GetAddress(): Returns the address (user@host) of , or 'unknown@unknown' if there is no such nick on IRC. This function will read the address out of the IAL if it has been added with AddToIAL. $IsInIAL(): Returns 1 if is in the current server's IAL, or 0 if not. $EncodeIP(): Returns converted into an integer in network byte order. This is useful for sending DCC requests. $DecodeIP(): Returns converted into a dotted IP address. This is useful for displaying an incoming DCC request. $AliasList(): Returns a list containing the name of every alias that has been added. This can also be retrieved with the GetAliasList method of TStringList. $EventList(): Returns a list containing the name of every event that has been added. This can also be retrieved with the GetEventList method of TStringList. $EventMask(): Returns the given event's activation mask. $EventExists(): Returns 1 if the event exists, or 0 if not. $GetMenuHint( on ): Returns the given menu item's hint message. $mIRCColor(): Returns the RGB value of the mIRC color specified by , or 0 if the number is out of the range 0..15. $ActiveWindow(): Returns the window name of the currently active child window, or . if there is no active child window or the active window belongs to another server. $ActiveServer(): Returns the server ID number of the server that owns the active child window, or 0 if there is no active child window or the active child is a DCC chat window. $Bitmap(): Loads a .bmp image into the internal cache and returns a unique integer. If the file has already been loaded, the same integer will be returned, unless FlushBitmapCache has been called in the meantime. $UhostToMask(): Generates a ban mask that matches the given user@host, of the form *!*user@*host. $NickToMask(): Looks up the nick's address using $GetAddress(), then generates a matching ban mask. If the nick's address cannot be found, a mask of the form nick!*@* is returned. $Notify(): Returns the current notify list as a space-separated list of nicks. $Notify(): Returns 1 if the nick is in the notify list and currently signed on (as far as ViRC knows), or 0 otherwise. $TimeConnected(): Returns the number of seconds the current server window has been connected, or 0 if the server is unconnected. $GetSetting([path] ): Reads a setting from ViRC's registry key. If is specified, it is a space-separated list of keys to traverse: for example, $GetSetting(Notify Interval). ViRC saves its settings in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MeGALiTH Software\Visual IRC 2. $GetUserField( ): Retrieves the string that has been associated with the given user and field, or an empty string if no entry can be found. The most specific matching entry that exists for that field will be used: for example, calling this function for joe! might return the string associated with *!user@ppp* $UserFieldList([fieldname]): If is omitted, returns a list containing every field in the user list; otherwise, returns a list containing every nick!user@host mask with an entry in the given field. $IdleTime(): Returns the number of seconds that have passed since data was last sent to the server. $ServerHost(): Returns the hostname:port used to connect to the server, or an empty string if there is no server connection. $GetPath(): Returns the path where the ViRC executable is located, including the trailing backslash. $IsLogging(): Returns true if the named window is currently logging. $DNS(): Consults your nameserver to translate a hostname to an IP address or vice versa, then returns the results (or an empty string if the attempt failed). This will block script execution while waiting for the DNS reply but not freeze the client. If the parameter contains no dots and doesn't start with a number, it will be treated as a nickname, and looked up with $getaddress(). To prevent this, prefix the hostname with a *: $dns(*localhost) $IsIP(): Returns true if is a valid numeric IP address. Note that strings like '5' and '127.1' are valid IP addresses. $SelectServer(): Displays the server list window so the user can choose a server entry by double-clicking it, or selecting it and pushing OK. The return value is the selected entry's server name, or an empty string if the user cancels. $SelectNetwork(): Displays the server list window so the user can choose a network entry. The return value is the selected entry's network name, or an empty string if the user cancels or selects 'no network'. $ServerID(): Returns the server name of the server entry currently being used, or an empty string if there is none. $NetworkID(): Returns the name of the network entry currently being used, or an empty string if there is none. $GetServSetting([server name] ): Looks up a setting using the server entry, network entry, and global configuration. If is supplied, the entry by that name will be used instead of the currently active entry. Boolean settings are returned as either 0 or 1. The available settings are: nicklength (int), modeargs (int), defnicks (str), ident (str), realname (str), atchan (bool), multinicks (bool), hostname (str), network (str), password (str), scriptdata (str). 'defnicks' returns a list of nicks, in order: server-specific nicks, network-specific nicks, and global default nicks. Each nick is quoted as a list item. 'network' returns the name of the network associated with the server. An empty string will be returned if the setting is invalid, or if a server name is given but no entry exists by that name. $GetNetSetting([network name] ): Looks up a setting using the network entry and global configuration. If is supplied, the entry by that name will be used instead of the currently active entry. Return values and available settings are the same as above, except that 'defnicks' only returns network-specific and global nicks, and these settings are not available: hostname, network, password. $PasswordQuery(): Shows a dialog box requesting a password from the user. This works just like the $?= pseudo-function, but the password is masked with asterisks as it is entered. If contains a vertical bar, the text to the right of it will be used as the default value (which is returned if the user cancels): $passwordquery(Enter your password:|shazam) $GetInputLine(): Returns the contents of 's input line. $StripAttrs(): Removes attribute codes (bold, italic, color, etc.) from and returns the plain text. $StripLinks(): Removes hyperlinks (\Lfoo\L) and script links (\Scmd:foo\S), leaving attribute codes alone. $DLL( [data]): Loads the DLL specified by , calls with the parameter , and returns the result. If is omitted, an empty string is passed. The calling conventions are described in vircdll.txt. If the DLL function does not return a value, $DLL() returns an empty string. $Timer([name] ): Creates a new timer called , waiting seconds, repeating times, and running . If is omitted, a unique name will be generated. Returns the name of the new timer. If is 0, the timer repeats forever. will not be evaluated before it is run; if it should be, prefix it with Eval. Timer names are shared across all servers, and must not start with a digit. If a timer called already exists, it will be deleted first. $MTimer([name] ): Same as $Timer(), but the delay is given in milliseconds (1/1000 second) instead of seconds. $TimerExists(): Returns true if a timer called exists. $TimerList([serverid]): Returns a list of all timers running on the identified server, or on all servers if is omitted. $GetTimer(): Returns a string of the form "interval repeats command", where interval is given in milliseconds and repeats is the number of times the timer will be called again. Returns an empty string if no timer called exists. $LocalNick(=): Returns your nickname on the specified DCC chat connection. $RemoteNick(=): Returns the remote user's nickname on the specified DCC chat connection. Menu Trees ========== ViRC's menu trees are MT_MAINMENU, MT_SERVERPOPUP, MT_NOTIFYPOPUP, MT_CHANNELTEXTPOPUP, MT_CHANNELNICKSPOPUP, MT_QUERYPOPUP, and MT_CHATPOPUP. Each menu tree should be zero or more lines of the form: where is a one-word identifier unique to this menu tree, is a string of the form "Alt+X" (or "" for no hotkey), is a number describing the special behavior of this item, is how far this item is indented (0 for a top-level item), and is the caption of the menu item (where an ampersand makes the next letter underlined, and && displays a single ampersand). For MT_SERVERPOPUP, can take the following values: 0 - item is always enabled 1 - enabled when connected to the server 2 - disabled when connected to the server 3 - item is always disabled For MT_CHANNELTEXTPOPUP and MT_CHANNELNICKSPOPUP, it can take these values: 0 - item is always enabled 1 - enabled when opped on the channel 2 - disabled when opped on the channel 3 - item is always disabled Currently, for the other trees is ignored and the item is always enabled. To assign code to a menu item, use the MenuItem block: MenuItem M_CTCPVERSION on MT_CHANNELNICKSPOPUP foreach ($i; $listfromwords($1-)) CTCP $i VERSION endforeach EndMenuItem To assign code that is run when you double-click in the area, use the special item ID "". Menu item handlers run on the appropriate interpreter (the global interpreter for MT_MAINMENU and MT_CHATPOPUP, and the server window's interpreter for all others), and receive the following parameters and variables: MT_MAINMENU, MT_SERVERPOPUP - none. MT_NOTIFYPOPUP - all selected nicks in $1-, focused nick in $nick. MT_CHANNELTEXTPOPUP - channel name in $C. MT_CHANNELNICKSPOPUP - all selected nicks in $1-, focused nick in $nick, channel name in $C. MT_QUERYPOPUP - nick of query target in $1, $nick, and $C. MT_CHATPOPUP - nick of DCC chat target in $1 and $nick, window name in $C. Note that even though $1- might look like a list, it isn't a real list. The elements might contain unquoted backslashes, which will cause list functions and ForEach loops to give incorrect results. Use $listfromwords($1-) if you need to access $1- like a list. Events ====== Define an event using the syntax: Event MyEventName "" EndEvent where MyEventName is a unique name for the event, and is a standard VSInterp wildcard mask (using %, *, ?, and ¬). The event mask is evaluated before it's added, which lets you use variables and backslash escapes in the mask. ViRC matches the event masks against text from the server (after removing any trailing newlines and CTCP delimiters) and fires the most specific event that matches. Each event is assigned a priority when it's created, which ViRC uses to compare the specificness of events. Each *, or ¬ in the mask earns it zero priority points, each % earns it one point, each ? earns it two points, and each other character (or escaped wildcard) earns it three points. The mask with the highest priority value is considered the most specific. The word-break wildcard (¬, alt-0172) is useful for matching CTCP messages. Since ViRC automatically removes trailing CTCP delimiters (\A), this mask will match any CTCP VERSION request, but not CTCP VERSIONFOO: % PRIVMSG % :\AVERSION¬ To run a specific event *in addition to* the less specific events, rather than *instead of* them, use the FallThrough command: Event AnyCTCP "% PRIVMSG % :\A*" TextOut > . ecCTCP *** CTCP $strtrim($3) from $nick EndEvent Event CTCPVERSION "% PRIVMSG % :\AVERSION¬" ^RCTCP $nick VERSION I am proudly running $ver. FallThrough EndEvent Script Hooks Called by ViRC =========================== ViRC calls these script-defined events: , , and will all be called. Events with names surrounded by angle brackets will never be matched against text from the IRC server. Event masks are still matched when calling hooks. This event: Event "TServerForm *" EndEvent will only run when a server form is created. However, with the exception of called when you double-click on a hyperlink. CONNECT called when you click the server's connect button. DISCONNECT called when you click the server's disconnect button. SAY called when you type text in a channel, and by /asay. ME called by /ame. MSG called when you type text in a query, and by /query . MSG = called when you type text in a DCC chat window. DESC called when you use /me in a query. DESC = called when you use /me in a DCC chat window. CTCP called by /ver and /ping. QUIT called by /server when you're already connected. PART called when you close a channel window. MODE called by /ban and /kb. KICK called by /kb. $NickToMask() called by /ban and /kb. Writing an Event =============================== The event is fired by the DCC Request command after the request is added to the DCC list. $nick, $user, and $host describe the nick and user@host that were passed in the DCC Request command. The other parameters are the type in $1 (CHAT, SEND, or TSEND), the encoded IP in $2, the remote port in $3, the file size in $4 (or 0 if the size is unknown), and the filename in $5-. The event can run three special commands to automatically deal with the request: DCC Reject aborts the transfer immediately. DCC Accept [] accepts the transfer immediately, optionally renaming it. DCC Resume [] resumes the transfer immediately, optionally renaming it. is the position to start resuming from, where 0 is the beginning of the file. If the event doesn't run any of these commands, the request will stay in the DCC list as usual. Mappable Objects ================ For the form name in a $MapObject(form name[:control name]) call, you can use a window name, or one of the special values: !Main - main ViRC form !UserSetup - configuration window !About - about box !DCCList - dcc list window !Notify - notify setup window !ScriptEditor - script editor ViRC automatically adds the main form itself with object handle 0. The mappable controls for each window type are: Server windows (TServerForm) ---------------------------- ConnectBtn, DisconnectBtn (TToolbarButton97) - the buttons to connect to and disconnect from the server. ServerTxt (TEdit97) - the edit control containing the server name. IALTimer (TTimer) - the timer that runs every minute to clean out the IAL. NotifyTimer (TTimer) - the timer that sends ISON commands for the notify list. ServerPopup, NotifyPopup (TPopupMenu) - the popup menus. Output (TMonkeySex) - the box where scrolling text is displayed. Input (TMemo) - the box where text is entered. Notify (TListBox) - the notify nicks list. TopDock, BottomDock, LeftDock, RightDock (TDock97) - the docks where floating toolbars can be placed. ServerToolbar (TToolbar97) - the toolbar containing ConnectBtn and DisconnectBtn. ServerSelectionToolbar (TToolbar97) - the toolbar containing ServerTxt. WindowTab (TToolbarButton97) - the button corresponding to this window on the tab bar. Channel windows (TChannelForm) ------------------------------ ChannelTextPopup, ChannelNicksPopup (TPopupMenu) - the popup menus. Output (TMonkeySex) - the box where scrolling text is displayed. Input (TMemo) - the box where text is entered. NickList (TListBox) - the channel nicks list. TopDock, BottomDock, LeftDock, RightDock (TDock97) - the docks where floating toolbars can be placed. WindowTab (TToolbarButton97) - the button corresponding to this window on the tab bar. Query windows (TQueryForm) -------------------------- QueryPopup (TPopupMenu) - the popup menu. Output (TMonkeySex) - the box where scrolling text is displayed. Input (TMenu) - the box where text is entered. TopDock, BottomDock, LeftDock, RightDock (TDock97) - the docks where floating toolbars can be placed. WindowTab (TToolbarButton97) - the button corresponding to this window on the tab bar. DCC Chat windows (TDCCChatForm) ------------------------------- ChatPopup (TPopupMenu) - the popup menu. Output (TMonkeySex) - the box where scrolling text is displayed. Input (TMenu) - the box where text is entered. TopDock, BottomDock, LeftDock, RightDock (TDock97) - the docks where floating toolbars can be placed. WindowTab (TToolbarButton97) - the button corresponding to this window on the tab bar. Main form (TMainForm) --------------------- MainMenu (TMainMenu) - the main menu. StatusBar (TStatusBar) - the status bar. set the SimpleText property to change the displayed text. TopDock, BottomDock, LeftDock, RightDock (TDock97) - the docks where floating toolbars can be placed. Client setup form (TConfigForm) ------------------------------- Use BCONV to get the code for this form. Notify setup form (TNotifyForm) ------------------------------- AddBtn, RemoveBtn (TButton) - the buttons to add or remove nicks. NickList (TListBox) - a list box containing the nicks. AutoNotify (TCheckBox) - the check box to enable automatic notify monitoring. NotifyInterval (TEdit) - the edit box containing the number of seconds for auto-notify. OKBtn, CancelBtn (TButton) - the OK and Cancel buttons. About box (TAboutForm) ---------------------- VersionLabel (TLabel) - a label containing the ViRC version. OKBtn (TButton) - the OK button. DCC list window (TDCCListForm) ------------------------------ DCCList (TListBox) - a list box containing all the active DCC requests. however, it's an owner-draw control with no strings in its Items property, so it isn't very scriptable. AcceptBtn (TButton) - the button to accept the currently selected request. CloseBtn (TButton) - the button to abort the currently selected request. DCCListPopup (TPopupMenu) - the popup menu for the list box. Script log form (TScriptLogForm) -------------------------------- LogOutput (TMonkeySex) - the output pane. LogPopup (TPopupMenu) - the right-click menu. Modifications to OVS ==================== Methods added to TStrings ------------------------- LoadFromEvent Fills the string list with the code of the named event. SaveToEvent Creates or replaces an event with the given name, using the code from the string list. GetEventList Fills the string list with the names of all defined events. LoadFromMenuTree Fills the string list with the named menu tree, in the same format as described earlier. SaveToMenuTree Replaces the named menu tree using the description from the string list. GetMenuTreeList Fills the string list with the names of all available menu trees. LoadFromMenuItem on Fills the string list with the code of the named menu item. SaveToMenuItem on Replaces the named menu item using the code from the string list. GetMenuItemList Fills the string list with the names of all menu items on the named tree, in seemingly random order. New TTabbedForm class --------------------- This is the same as TForm, but it creates a button on ViRC's tab bar. The icon set with the form's Icon property is shown on the button. Property: TabCaption (string) The text that appears on the button. New TMonkeySex class -------------------- This is the text scroller used on server/channel/query/DCC chat forms. (Blame Gnowknaym for the name.) Properties: Align, Font, ParentFont, PopupMenu - standard. Background (TColor) The default background color. BGBitmap (TBitmap) The background image. BGBitmapEnabled (boolean) If true, the BGBitmap will be used; otherwise, the background color will be used. BufferSize (integer) The number of scrollback lines to keep in memory. Hyperlink (TColor) The color to display hyperlinks in. (\Lfoo\L) ScriptLink (TColor) The color to display script links in. (\Scmd:foo\S) Logging (boolean) If true, the OnLogging event will be called for each line added. Methods: Clear Erases all lines in the control. PageDown Scrolls down one page. PageUp Scrolls up one page. Events: OnClick, OnDblClick - standard. OnCopyText Called when the user selects some text and releases the mouse button. The text is in $Text. OnHyperlink Called when the user double-clicks a hyperlink. The link text is in $Text. OnScriptLink Called when the user activates a script link. The associated command is in $Command, the visible text is in $Text, the mouse button is in $Button, the shift state is in $Shift, the client coordinates of the click are in $X and $Y, and the screen coordinates are $ScreenX and $ScreenY. OnLogging Called when a new line is added and logging is enabled. The text is in $Text. New TSockets class for TCP connections -------------------------------------- Create a TSockets object with the syntax $New(TSockets). These socket controls will automatically use the specified SOCKS proxy settings for outgoing connections, but listening for connections will not be possible over SOCKS. If a socket error occurs and no OnErrorOccurred event handler is set, ViRC will stop. If you don't plan to handle errors, you should at least set a dummy event handler: @p $socket.OnErrorOccurred = Nop ('Nop' should not be confused with 'Nil', which unsets the event handler, causing the error to go uncaught.) Properties: IPAddr (string) The IP address or hostname to connect to. Port (string) The port number or name to connect to. LocalIPAddr (string) The IP address of the local host. May not be accurate if the host has more than one address. Read-only. RemoteIPAddr (string) The IP address of the host on the other end of the connection. If the connection is running through SOCKS, this will be the address of the proxy server. Read-only. SocketNumber (integer) The number of the currently active connection. MasterSocket (integer) The number of the listening connection, if this socket object is listening. Text (string) Reading this property receives data from the socket (and removes the data from the socket's input buffer); writing it sends data to the socket. This should only be read from an OnDataAvailable event handler. State (enumeration) The socket's level of activity: sockDisconnected, sockDNS (looking up a hostname), sockConnecting (waiting to connect to a host), sockConnected, or sockRequestedSocks (waiting for a response from the proxy server). Methods: SConnect Attempts to connect to the host in IPAddr and the port in Port. The OnSessionConnected or OnErrorOccurred event will be called when the socket connects or fails to connect. SListen Begins listening for connections on the socket using the port number in Port. SListenOnFreePort() Picks an unused port number, begins listening for connections on that port, then returns the port number. SListenRange( ) Attempts to listen on a free port between and . Returns the port number if successful, or 0 if unsuccessful. SCancelListen Cancels listening. SAccept() Accepts the connection and returns its connection number. Use this in an OnSessionAvailable event. SClose Closes the connection. Does not call the OnSessionClosed event. Send Sends the text without a newline. SendCRLF Sends the text, followed by a carriage return and linefeed. SetActiveConnection() Sets the active connection (just like setting the SocketNumber property) and returns the number of the previously active connection. Events: OnStateChanged Called when the socket's State property changes. The new state is in the $State variable. OnDataAvailable Called when data is available for reading. Read the Text property to get the data. The socket number is in $Socket. OnDataNeeded Called when the socket is ready to write, either just after connecting or after a previous write failed. Set the Text property or use the Send or SendCRLF methods to write data. The socket number is in $Socket. OnSessionAvailable Called when a client is trying to connect to a listening socket. Call SAccept to accept the connection. OnSessionClosed Called when the remote host has closed the connection. Call SClose here to close down your side of the connection. The socket number is in $Socket. OnSessionConnected Called when an outgoing connection succeeds. The socket number is in $Socket. OnErrorOccurred Called when a socket error occurs. If this is not handled, the application will be stopped. The socket number is in $Socket, the error number is in $Error, and the error message is in $Msg. TSockets example ---------------- Outgoing connections: // create socket @ $socket = $new(TSockets) // set up events @p $socket.OnSessionConnected = SMTP_SESSIONCONNECTED @p $socket.OnErrorOccurred = SMTP_ERROROCCURRED // we'll use for SMTP (port 25) @p $socket.IPAddr = @p $socket.Port = 25 // connect $socket.SConnect // OnSessionConnected event handler Alias SMTP_SESSIONCONNECTED // send a message // get email addresses @l $to = $?="Enter an address to send mail to:" @l $from = $?="Enter your return address:" // SMTP identify to server (the socket is in $Sender) $Sender.SendCRLF HELO vircmail // SMTP message headers $Sender.SendCRLF MAIL FROM:$from $Sender.SendCRLF RCPT TO:$to // body $Sender.SendCRLF DATA $Sender.SendCRLF From: $from $Sender.SendCRLF To: $to $Sender.SendCRLF Subject: Mail sent from ViRC $Sender.SendCRLF $Sender.SendCRLF This message was brought to you by TSockets. // end message $Sender.SendCRLF . $Sender.SClose EndAlias // OnErrorOccurred event handler Alias SMTP_ERROROCCURRED // just show a message box MessageBox Socket error $Error occurred ($Msg) EndAlias Multiple Interpreters ===================== ViRC has a script interpreter for each server, and a global script interpreter for action that isn't associated with a server. The global interpreter runs ViRC.lib, , , main menu items, and DCC chat commands/events/ popups. The server interpreters run code for any command, event, or popup that occurs in the server, channel, or query windows. OVS event handlers are run by the interpreter that set them. Window names and OVS object handles are only available to the interpreter they belong to (although DCC chat window names can be used everywhere). This means that if you create objects that need to be used from more than one server, it's best to create them on the global interpreter. Using BCONV =========== The included BCONV utility can be used to easily create forms in OVS. BCONV translates form (.dfm) files created with Delphi into script files that can be used without much modification. BCONV can be used two ways. The first way reads a form from a binary DFM file: C:\ViRC> bconv myform.dfm myform.vsc The second way extracts a form resource from any program compiled with Delphi: C:\ViRC> bconv ViRC.exe/TCONFIGFORM configform.vsc The part before the slash is the EXE or DLL filename; the part after is the resource name. To get a list of resources, use a question mark for the name: C:\ViRC> bconv ViRC.exe/? Note that BCONV is not perfect, and many forms cannot be converted to OVS that will work in ViRC. For example, BCONV doesn't make valid code from forms that have controls with collections (like status bars), doesn't put a dollar sign in front of the component name for properties that contain objects, and ignores properties that contain binary data (like icons). Always read over the output to ensure that it is valid.